2011: Aug, Jul, Jun,May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan (All Password "Phoebe")
2010: Dec, Nov, Oct,Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
2009: Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan
2008+: Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb, Jan, CJF♥, PAF♥
My Photos
The next salon will take place on Tuesday 8th March 2011, from 6:30 pm at Franko B's studio - studio 7, P 1 studio's block C15,Taylor Place, Payne road, London, E3 2SP.
[more details here]
All welcome. You can bring some food and drink.
ARTS POLITICS SEX is presented in association with Bow Arts Trust.
"Never get caught up in being apart of a clique. Learn to be an individual and dare to be different."
© copyright Thu Dec 30 11:01:43 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Birth of Greatness
"In the midst of every struggle their is greatness being born..."
© copyright Wed Dec 29 11:22:55 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Procrastination Kills
"Procrastination kills the inhibition to gain wealth and be successful.Kill procrastination with immediate action."
© copyright Tue Dec 28 12:31:55 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved
No Copy Cats
"I do not believe in competition, why you might ask? Simple, I am unique no carbon copy. The things I do simply characterize who I am,"Stylicia"....People can duplicate but there will never be two identical styles because God created us all different."
© copyright Tue Dec 28 00:35:40 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Suzanne Moore article in the Guardian:
Anarchy rules! But it's about a lot more than just lobbing things at police
(18th December 2010)
I STILL LOVE - documentary [english subtitles]
Slow Down, December!
Good Lord... I can't believe it's less than two weeks til Christmas! I don't have plan! Ack!
FRANKO B - RaiTunes
RaiTunes con Alessio Bertallot - dal lunedì al venerdì - alle 22:30
FRANKO B - interview
*il tratto principale del mio carattere... / *The main feature of my character ...
Impulsivo / impulsive
*la qualità che desidero in un uomo... / *The quality I want in a man ...
Un cuore grande / A Mighty Heart
*le qualità che preferisco in una donna... / * The qualities that I prefer in a woman ...
Un cuore grande / A Mighty Heart
*quel che apprezzo di più nei miei amici... / * That I appreciate most in my friends ...
La generosità / Generosity
*il mio principale difetto... / * My main fault ...
*la mia occupazione preferita... / * My favorite occupation ...
Essere me / Being me
*il mio sogno di felicità ... / * My dream of happiness ...
*quale sarebbe per me la più grande disgrazia... / * What would be the greatest misfortune for me ...
Non ci voglio pensare / We do not want to think about it
*quel che vorrei essere... / * What I want to be ...
Mi va bene così / I'm happy with how I am
*il paese dove vorrei vivere... / A place where I'd like to live
Los Angeles / Los Angeles
*il colore che preferisco... / * My favorite colour ...
Il nero / Black
*l'uccello che preferisco... / * My favourite bird ...
Petti rosso / Robin
*i miei autori preferiti in prosa.. / * My favorite authors in prose ..
Samuel Beckett / Samuel Beckett
*i miei poeti preferiti... / * My favorite poets ...
Patty Smith / Patti Smith
*i miei eroi nella finzione... / * My heroes in fiction ...
Non ho eroi neanche nella finzione / I did not have heroes in fiction
*il mio gruppo musicale preferito / * My favorite band
Patty Smith / Patti Smith
*il mio regista preferito / My favorite director
Andrej Tarkovsky / Andrei Tarkovsky
*il mio film preferito / My favorite movie
Mirror di Andrej Tarkovsky / Mirror of Andrei Tarkovsky
*i miei pittori preferiti.. / * My favorite painters ..
Mark Rothko / Mark Rothko
*i miei eroi nella vita reale... / * My heroes in real life ...
Non ho eroi / I have no heroes
*le mie eroine nella storia... / * My heroines in history ...
Non ho eroine / I have no heroines
*i miei nomi preferiti... / * My favorite names ...
Tom e Marco / Tom and Marcus
*quel che detesto più di tutto... / * What I hate most of all ...
La mediocrazia / Mediocracy
*l'impresa militare che ammiro di più...& la riforma che apprezzo di più.... / * The military enterprise I admire most ... the reform & I like best ....
Non ammiro i militari. L’ aborto. / I do not admire the military. Abortion legislation.
*il dono di natura che vorrei avere.. / * The gift of nature that I have ..
Di non avere paura / Not to be afraid
*come vorrei morire... / * How I would like to die ...
Nel sonno / In sleep
*stato attuale del mio animo.. / * Current state of my mind ..
Tiepido / Warm
*le colpe che mi ispirano maggior indulgenza.. / * The sins in which you indulge yourself..
Non credo nei peccati / I do not believe in sin
*il mio motto... / * My motto ...
Eat, shit, fuck, die. / Eat, shit, fuck, die.
I STILL LOVE - exhibition in London - May 2011
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl. All I wish for Christmas is shoes, just a few please. What about those brown ostrich leather pumps from LOUIS VUITTON or the beige pumps with the metal clip from MIU MIU? And please don't forget the PRADA sling pumps, they would look so beautiful with my new silk dress for the new year's eve party.
Yours Cinderella
Video: Thalia de Jong
Sound Design: Yme de Jong
Model: Léa Delion
Manicure Meltdown
We almost missed the bus this morning due to a manicure meltdown. Phoebe & Samara had done one another's nails yesterday, and as one might expect with child-applied polish, they needed some touch up work, which we did not have time for this morning! With the promise of an afternoon manicure, we got her settled down and off to school, not crying. And now, she's fallen asleep during her afternoon manicure! Maybe it'll get to set before she wakes up! But this Daddy-mani is bound to last longer than the Samara-mani did. :)
It started snowing in Berlin today which is the perfect moment to introduce you to our latest masterpiece. Chewbacca finest!
Video: Thalia de Jong
Model: Lea Delion
fake fur boots CHANEL
BORN: 1512
Katherine Parr was the eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Parr and his wife Maud Green, both of whom were at the court of Henry VIII in hisearlyreign.Maudwasalady-in-waitingtoQueenCatherineofAragonandnamedherdaughter,bornin1512,afterher. So,Henry VIII’s last wife was named after his first.
Thomas Parr died in November 1517, leaving his three children, William, Katherine and Anne in the care of their mother. Maud managed the children’s education and the family estates and must have left an impression on her daughter of the greater role an independent woman could have in society. The education that Maud arranged for the children was similar to that of other noble figures of the time and at least in the case of Katherine, it ignited a life-long passion for learning. She was fluent in French, Latin and Italian and began learning Spanish when she was Queen.
Katherine Parr was the most-married English queen, as she had four husbands. Her first marriage was to Edward Borough when she was 17 years old. Edward died only a few years later, probably in early 1533. It was during this marriage that Katherine’s mother Maud died.
Katherine’s second marriage was to John Neville, whom she married in the summer of 1534 when he was 41 and she was 22. Latimer had two children from his previous marriages so Katherine also became a stepmother for the first time Katherine’s ailing husband died in March 1543, leaving her a widow for the second time, now at the age of 31.
It was around this time that Katherine was noticed by not only the King, but also Thomas Seymour, brother of the late Queen Jane Seymour. Katherine expressed her desire to marry Thomas Seymour after Latimer’s death, but the King’s request for her hand was one that Katherine felt it was her duty to accept.
Katherine and Henry VIII were married on July 12th in a small ceremony attended by about 20 people.
Katherine was interested in the reformed faith, making her enemies with the conservatives of Henry’s court. It was her influence with the King and the Henry’s failing health that led to a plot against her in 1546 by the conservative fraction. Katherine and her ladies were known to have had banned books which was grounds for arrest and execution on charges of heresy. The warrant was accidentally dropped and someone loyal to the Queen saw it and then quickly told her about it. After learning of the arrest warrant, Katherine was said to be very ill, either as a ruse to stall or from a genuine panic attack. Henry went to see her and chastised her for her outspokenness about the reformed religion and his feeling that she was forgetting her place by instructing him on such matters. Katherine’s response in her defense was that she was only arguing with him on these issues so she could be instructed by him, and to take his mind off other troubles. Playing to Henry’s ego no doubt helped and Katherine was forgiven.
Katherine was close with all three of her stepchildren as Henry’s wife and was personally involved in the educational program of the younger two, Elizabeth and Edward. It is thought that her actions as regent, together with her strength of character and noted dignity, and later religious convictions, greatly influenced her stepdaughter Elizabeth (the future Queen Elizabeth I).
She was also a patron of the arts and music. Katherine’s own learning and academic achievements, as alluded to previously, were impressive, and in 1545, her book “Prayers or Meditations” became the first work published by an English Queen under her own name. Another book, “The Lamentation of a Sinner”, was published after Henry VIII’s death.
Henry VIII died in January 1547 and Katherine had probably expected to play some role in the regency for the new nine-year-old king, Edward VI, but this was not to be. Only a few months after Henry’s death, Katherine secretly married Thomas Seymour, but the quickness and secret nature of the union caused a scandal. Katherine was still able to take guardianship of Princess Elizabeth and Seymour purchased the wardship of the king’s cousin, Lady Jane Grey.
Afterthreepreviousmarriagesandattheageof37,Katherinewaspregnantforthefirsttimeand onAugust30thshegavebirthtoa daughter named Mary. Katherine soon fell ill with puerperal fever, which was to claim her life in the morning hours of September 5th. Katherine was buried, with Lady Jane Grey as the chief mourner, in the chapel at Sudeley Castle, where the tomb can still be visited today.
SOUND: "If Love Now Reigned as it Hath Been" by King Henry VIII
neckpiece & earrings ERICKSON BEAMON
Christmas Mission!
I have this Christmas project that's been brewing in the back of my mind for months. It's one gift I can give to everyone on my list, and I can update and give it year after year - a family calendar! I will still buy presents for all kiddos and other special recipients, but I think a family calendar, pre-populated with birthdays/etc, would make a darn fine gift for the many others whom I love. I've only today just started tinkering, and already I'm hoping it'll become a beloved family tradition. I'll be soliciting photos, and maybe little yearly re-cap blurbs, and hm... what else? :) I love this kinda stuff!
The Fuller Thanksgiving
We spent most of yesterday at Papa & Grandma Lynn's for the traditional not-on-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. Every time we go, JR & I both leave feeling like we should really do that more often. JR tends to forget that he is enjoying the relationship that he has with his Dad since becoming a Dad himself, so he still resists going, but always enjoys it. And for me it's Granny, I always feel like I should should visit more with her and let her spend some more time w/my kids. She's a frail old lady, who knows how many more holidays we have with her. She says goodbye at each as if it were the last, but I always leave thinking I'll see her again at the next Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter. I know I'll be wrong at some point, probably in the not too far distant future. She's 84, or that's what she said yesterday anyway, I'll have to check my records on that one. She still mourns the loss of her husband and daughter. I speculated aloud about her life w/Jason, and JR said he treats her well, but I bet he doesn't. He's an ignorant loud-mouthed nincompoop. I wonder who cooks? Who cleans?
A blog Mom shared recently has planted a seed in me: if you want more or less of something, anything, in your life, measure it. Now this is a concept my process-improvement-brain can get right on board with! My sense of looming change has not settled with my relocation, which probably means I have more work to do. :)
5. Kathryn Howard
BORN: c. 1521
Kathryn Howard was the daughter of Lord Edmund Howard, a younger brother of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk. She was also first cousin to Anne Boleyn, Henry’s ill-fated second Queen. She was brought up in the household of the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk. Kathryn came to court at about the age of 19 as a lady in waiting to Anne of Cleves and there is no doubt that the spirited young girl caught Henry’s attentions. Kathryn’s uncle probably encouraged the girl to respond to the King’s attentions and saw it as a way to increase his own influence over the monarch. The Duke of Norfolk also took advantage of the debacle of the Anne of Cleves marriage as a chance to discredit his enemy, Thomas Cromwell. In fact, Cromwell was executed shortly after the marriage was nullified. Sixteen days after he was free of Anne, Henry took his fifth wife, Kathryn Howard, on July 28, 1540. Henry was 49 and his bride was no older than 19.
For all that can be said against this match, Kathryn did manage to lift the King’s spirits. The vivacious young girl brought back some of Henry’s zest for life. The King lavished gifts on his young wife and called her his “rose without a thorn” and the “very jewel of womanhood”. Kathryn, however, may well have found her marital relations unappealing. Henry weighed around 21 stone (about 140 kilograms or 300 pounds) at the time, and had a foul-smelling, festering ulcer on his thigh that had to be drained daily. Less than a year into Kathryn’s marriage, the rumors of her infidelity began. In a way, one couldn’t blame her for seeking the company of handsome young men closer to her own age. But to do so, even if only in courtly flirtations, was dangerous for a Queen, especially one who came from a powerful family with many enemies. Kathryn didn’t help matters much by appointing one of her admirers as her personal secretary.
By November 1541, there was enough evidence against the Queen that Archbishop Cranmer informed the King of Kathryn’s misconduct. At first Henry did not believe the accusations, but he agreed to allow further investigations into the matter. Enough evidence was gathered that the Queen had been promiscuous before her marriage and may have had liaisons after becoming Henry’s wife. She was beheaded with one stroke on February 13, 1542, and her body was buried in an unmarked grave in the nearby chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, where the body of her cousin, Anne Boleyn, also lay. Henry did not attend.
SOUND: "If Love Now Reigned as it Hath Been" by King Henry VIII
leather dress GEMMA SLACK
4. Anne of Cleves
DIED: 16 JULY 1557
Henry VIII remained single for over two years after Jane Seymour’s death, possibly giving some credence to the thought that he genuinely mourned for her.
However, it does seem that someone, possibly Thomas Cromwell, began making inquiries shortly after Jane’s death about a possible foreign bride for Henry. Henry’s first marriage had been a foreign alliance of sorts, although it is almost certain that the two were truly in love for some time. His next two brides were love matches and Henry could have had little or no monetary or political gain from them. But the events of the split from Rome left England isolated, and probably vulnerable.
It was these circumstances that led Henry and his ministers to look at the possibility of a bride to secure an alliance.
Henry did also want to be sure he was getting a desirable bride, so he had agents in foreign courts report to him on the appearance and other qualities of various candidates. He also sent painters to bring him images of these women. The most famous of the Tudor court painters, Hans Holbein, was sent to the court of the Duke of Cleves, who had two sisters: Amelia and Anne. Henry required the artist to be as accurate as possible, not to flatter the sisters. The two versions of Holbein’s portrait are in the Louvre in Paris and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. At the time in 1539, Cleves was seen as an important potential ally in the event France and the Holy Roman Empire (who had somewhat made a truce in their long history of conflict) decided to move against the countries who had thrown off the Papal authority. England then sought alliances with countries who had been supporting the reformation of the church. Several of the Duchys and principalities along the Rhine were Lutheran.
The paintings of the sisters of the Duke of Cleves were sent to Henry who decided to have a contract drawn up for his marriage to Anne. Henry was impatient to see his future bride. He went to meet her at Rochester and was promptly disappointed. Henry urged Cromwell to find a legal way to avoid the marriage but, by this point, doing so was impossible without endangering the vital alliance with the Germans.
The marriage took place on January 6, 1540. Anne was ill-suited for life at the English court. Her upbringing in Cleves had concentrated on domestic skills and not the music and literature so popular at Henry’s court. And, most famously, Henry did not find his new bride the least bit attractive and is said to have called her a “Flanders Mare”. The couple’s first night as husband and wife was not a happy one. Henry confided to Cromwell that he had not consummated the marriage, saying, “I liked her before not well, but now I like her much worse”. In addition to his personal feelings for wanting to end the marriage, there were now political ones as well. Tension between the Duke of Cleves and the Empire was increasing towards war and Henry had no desire to become involved. Last but not least, at some point, Henry had become attracted to young Kathryn Howard.
Anne was probably smart enough to know that she would only be making trouble for herself if she raised any obstacles to Henry’s attempts to annul the marriage. She testified that the match had not been consummated and that her previous engagement to the son of the Duke of Lorraine had not been properly broken.
After the marriage had been dissolved, Anne accepted the honorary title as the “King’s Sister”. She was given property, including Hever Castle, formerly the home of Anne Boleyn. Anne lived away from court quietly in the countryside until 1557, thus outliving all of Henry VIII wives. She is buried in a somewhat hard to find tomb in Westminster Abbey.
God send me to keep
SOUND: "If Love Now Reigned as it Hath Been" by King Henry VIII
suit & knit SONIA RYKIEL
shoes GAP
I STILL LOVE - conference
On the occasion of the Franko B I Still Love exhibition, a special meeting with contemporary art critic Lea Vergine—pioneer of Body Art during the ‘70s—and theorist Francesca Alfano Miglietti is set up to debate with the public on ‘the body’.
Two of the most authoritative voices will explain the relationship between art and body in our society that every day sees true mutations through love practices, fights, rituals, incisions, penetrations and actions.
Full Developmental/Preschool Evaluation
I met with FCPS Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Program's Local Screening Committee on Tuesday 11/16 and, as expected, Christopher was recommended for an initial evaluation to determine if he has a disability and requires special education. He is scheduled for three assessments, all on Friday 07 January 2011: 1) "Sociocultural" which is developmental history, family background, adaptive behavior, medical status, and educational history; 2) "Audiological" which is a complete assessment of hearing; and 3) the "Developmental"/Preschool looks at the areas of adaptive, cognitive, physical, communication, and social/emotional.
At this early stage, the process is more about determining his eligibility for county services. I'm sure later the process will shift to focus on identifying those services from which he will derive the most benefit, but in the meantime, I am wondering if we should start him in speech therapy right away through our medical coverage. I can't imagine how that would not be a good thing, but will probably check w/his designated social worker to a) make sure it won't impact his eligibility for county services, and b) to see if I can start services now with the same providers who the county might use anyway, so his therapy would continue uninterrupted.
I have a lot to learn about advocating for my "special needs" child, even if it is just in the short term. I sincerely hope that our Little Mister Christopher is in fact experiencing a temporary delay, and that therapy and treatment will get him fully up to speed quickly. While I am ready/willing/able to advocate for him, however much and for however long it takes, I do hope that his special needs will not need advocating throughout his entire schooling.
Been tinkering with Shutterfly & Swingvine trying to get my photos uploaded, and have been reminded why I opted for Picasa in the first place. So, I set myself up another Google/Picasa account, and will not be using those other sites. Should all be seamless to you: my links to the left should work.
I STILL LOVE - press article (with correction)
FRANKO B - interview
Stability < _____ < Lottery
Dear Dianne, I know that stability is at the very tip top of your list when it comes to employment criteria. And I know that Plan B is all set for if/when you when the lottery. I'm asking you to think somewhere in between those parameters. Let's say, hypothetically, you won, not the lottery, but an annuity equivalent to your current income and benefits, so the "stability" part of the equation is solved, then what would you do with your days? What would be more satisfying that just stability, but not as fabulous as winning the lottery?
For the Record: I HATE the DC Commute!
I knew that returning to NoVA to work in DC would mean a significant change to my commute. I knew it would be more expensive and more time consuming. But dammit I can't take it! I spend $301.90/mo for my VRE/Metro ticket, which is actually cheaper than it would be for gas into and out of DC plus parking in DC, but it's still a lot of money. But what pains me even more is the time! I had a 20min commute in Hampton, and now I have a 1½hr commute - that's 3hrs/day - on top of an 8hr work day! So if I bust my ass and take no breaks, I still have to spend ELEVEN hours apart from my home and family - it blows!
I tried to warn Ken when I started that the commute to DC was most unappealing, and asked if I might be able to work from home (or our Fairfax office) a couple days a week, but was denied, because "presence" is such a key part of our support. Well "presence" is a key part of a happy home-life too, and I ain't gettin' enough!
Plus, when Ken hired me, he said he was BUSY and needed help, so that he would not be working so many late hours. But as it turns out, Ken still works those late hours, and I am, to some degree, expected to "make myself useful" in SEA05Z where we have funding, but where the clients are not routinely using our support. I struggled for too long to "make myself useful" at SUPSHIP Newport News, with limited success, and am not keen on having to solicit/generate my own work.
So, if things continue along this path, which I think they will, I am already mentally preparing myself to give this job one year, then I'm going to move on. I don't have a plan yet, and won't make the same mistake this time of announcing my intentions to my boss and clients before I do have another plan, but a plan is indeed brewing.
Christopher's Language Delay
We are on the road to having Little Mister Christopher's language issues identified so we can get that boy talking! Our "case" goes before Fairfax County Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Program's Local Screening Committee on Tuesday 16 November. We are expecting he will be referred into the system for services.
My work friend, Michele, knew of a mutual contact whose child also exhibited developmental delays at about age three, so she put Dave & I in touch by email, we may meet for a bit on Tuesday if our work schedules permit. His son, also a Christopher, was diagnosed with Severe Apraxia, which of course I immediately Googled, and while I am not jumping to conclusions, many of the Apraxia indicators do seem to fit w/our Christopher's typical behavior. The Family Start Guide at Apraxia-Kids.org was a decent intro.
I told JR yesterday that his new job starts soon: he's about to become a full-time speech therapist. Whatever Christopher's particular language development diagnosis is, I feel certain he will be registered for at least speech therapy, and my initial research indicates that most parents have success with therapy at least three times per week. And of course the success of therapy depends on the willingness/ability of children and parents to practice at home. I hope therapy with a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) includes teaching the parents, I'm thinking language therapy would be most effective done ALL THE TIME, we've got to turn language use into fun 24/7 language therapy.
Contrary to recent press articles, Franko B is not represented by Galleria Pack in any way, anywhere in the world.
The Return of "My Little Contribution . . ."
I often waffle between wanting to share my blog and wanting to keep it private, so I think I've finally come to a "system" of sorts: facebook for the world, My Little Contribution for those who are more interested, and a new totally private blog for my 'Dear Diary' type stuff. So, I moved my most private posts to the other blog, and I'm opening this one back up, no invite required, so that My Little Contribution can be what I intended: my little contribution to the internets. :) I don't like that there are now months with no entries, but oh well, I needed those months to myself.
I STILL LOVE - photos









[more information here]
All welcome. You can bring some food and drink.
I STILL LOVE - documentary
I STILL LOVE - radio interview
Interview with Francesca Alfano Miglietti on Radio Capital (Italy) about Franko B's solo exhibition, I STILL LOVE at PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan - 9th October - 28th November 2010.

Unpublished Love
From the moment the song began serenading my ears, like the stream's raging waters thoughts of you came flooding in my restless mind. How am I to portray you? Confused I have been, blinded by the myriad things about you that captivated me. It's as if I am trapped in an arcane maze teeming with undecipherable riddles. goodness! Indeed it is challenging to bring you into perfect picture. I've written dozens, juiced my brain with poems and letters and stories yet every time I'd sit down and write, it's as if I'm writing to you for the first time.
The way your long curly hair gently dances with the wind, that sweet voice of yours, able to seize all the filthy noise, your heart-melting, compassionate and ever so loving stare, your lovely face, your cute smile, your witty jokes, your winks everything! I believe that I don't have the luxury of space to enumerate all of them.
Every time you would tell me how special I am even at times I know I'm not, when you'd ask me simple things like "have I eaten" or "how was my day" just gives me that inexpressive bliss probably that thing they call "kilig". I hope your mind would dare not think of these as mere praises only for I have gathered all my emotions to assemble these words. If only my mind has richer vocabulary I guess I could have come up with a more appealing manuscript but I guess this is it... for now.
I know I have always said this but just please let me say it again... You make waiting sooo worth it. Have a pleasant evening my dear, I'll meet you in my dreams. :)

This is what? my 5th post for her? hindi pa kasama ung mga unpublished ones hehe ooohhh geez :) :)
Help w/Camp? & Relo Update
Phoebe & JR drove each other (and me) crazy last summer with not enough to do, so I determined early that Phoebe would attend summer camp this year. I found a great program, run by the Marching Elites Association, and she is having the best summer of her little life! They have major field trips every Wednesday, they've spent Wednesdays thus far at Buckroe Beach, Chippoke State Park, Ocean Breeze Water Park, and Busch Gardens! Tuesdays and Thursdays are filled with lots of other fun activities and smaller local field trips, bowling, skating, laser tag, a talent show, museum trips and cookouts, and they swim all day every Friday at Fort Eustis. She is loving it!
But... it broke me. I put summer camp higher on the budget priority list than it rightfully deserves, and now I've got a couple other debts getting ready to bite me in the ass for it. I know none of you are loaded down with cash funds, but if you are interested and able, I could sure use some help making sure Phoebe's summer stays super fun! The camp itself is $65/wk (including a USDA breakfast, lunch, and snack), and the field trips are extra. I've paid the camp fees through 7/30, but still owe $20 for the 7/21 field trip to Go Karts Plus, and $26 for the 7/28 field trip to Water Country USA. I would also like to keep her in camp until the very end (8/13), incurring an additional $130 in camp fees, plus $29 for the 8/04 field trip to Kings Dominion. Unfortunately, there is already one field trip she may not attend - the grand finale field trip on 8/11 - a 6am to 2am charter bus to Six Flags New Jersey - too far for this Mom. Then she'll have just three weeks hanging out at home before school starts back up on 9/07. Not that Phoebe cares who pays for camp, but if I do receive any assistance, I will of course let Phoebe know of the generosity.
M&J, I haven't kept y'all as up to date recently as I set out to... back in late May, I expressed to my clients interest in returning to Northern Virginia, about the same time as they got frustrated w/my inability to get+stay fully engaged. This has probably been professionally the most awkward period of my life. I have always struggled with my morning schedule, but in previous environments I was always able to otherwise easily and clearly demonstrate my value. But this place is too union, too waterfront, too technical, too blue collar for me. They will be much happier with the guy they've hired to replace me, a retiring waterfront production controller.
As for me, I start a new job on 8/02, still with Dell, for the boss I had previously - Ken Carrick, supporting an old client in a new position, it is sure to be a smooth and most comfortable transition. Mostly, I look forward to being back in town w/Aunt Banana! But professionally, it's nice to know I'm still an asset.
Our home is for sale, with little chance it will sell in time to support our relocation. It's also for rent, with special incentives advertised for a quick renter. We have found suitable Rottweiler-friendly housing in Alexandria, but there's NO WAY we can carry two housing payments, so I can't apply for those I've found until we have a renter (or buyer) for ours. Don't suppose you, Jim, would be interested in buying it as an investment/rental property? Just kidding. Unless you'd consider it. (Are y'all familiar w/Chris Tucker (from the Rush Hour movies)? One of our most FAVORITE Chris Tucker lines JR & I use on each other all the time comes from him in Money Talks, he asks this rich dude for a million dollars, then says just kidding, unless you're gonna give it to me, nah just kidding, unless you're not. My investment property offer/request is meant as a joke in the same vain.) It's looking like I will spend weekdays w/NB and weekends in Hampton until we have our housing resolved. I hate the idea of spending nights away from my kids, but this is the bed I've made for myself, so I will lay in it with little complaint.
Ok, I'm off to be productive. I'm also doing a little blog test. If I've set things up the way I think I have, then this email should also show up as a blog post. We'll see. Happy Friday! Love you!!
Resume Wordle
Stephanie~Fuller, Stephanie~Fuller, 571.335.6790, 571.335.6790, SMFuller@cox.net, SMFuller@cox.net, NAVSEA05Z~Marine~Engineering, Active~Clearance, B.A.~Government~and~Politics, George~Mason~University, Lean~Six~Sigma~Green~Belt, Dell~Services~Dec~2001~to~Present, VIRGINIA~Class~Submarines, Continuous~Process~Improvement, Value~Stream~Analysis, Stakeholder~Facilitation, Contractual~Exceptions~and~Clarifications, Defense~Acquistion~University~Specification~Management~Course, Advanced~Resource~Technologies~Inc.~Nov~2000~to~Dec~2001, OSD~Dual~Use~Science~and~Technology, GRC~International~an~ATT~Company~May~1999~to~Nov~2000, Army~Reliability~Maintainability~and~Supportability, Army~Commercial~Off~the~Shelf~Savings~Initiative, USCG~Deepwater~Project~Management~Plan, WAGB20~USCGC~HEALY, Naval~Sea~Systems~Command, SHERIKON~Inc.~Dec~1990~to~May~1999, Team~Submarine~Excellence~Award
Just Stuff I Would Buy If I Had Money - Not Really a Wish List
In the Order in Which They Occur to Me | A Really Good Pet Hair Vacuum | A Good Electric Can Opener | Roller Skates | Bicycles | Furniture | Linens | Clothes | Housekeeping | Daycare | A Garage | Manicures & Pedicures | Better Pet Care | Summer Camps | Music Lessons | Household Store | Emergency Preparedness | More & Better Portraits |
Obnoxious Oodles of Quit Working Money | Home Car & Lifestyle Upgrades All Around | A Year on The World | Philantrophy | Self Enrichment | Fun Stuff |
Stuff That's Caught My Fancy | This Forrest Cube Ring |
To the eighth wonder of the world,
You, my darling, a beautifully crafted woman of God, have never failed to wipe away my sorrows and paint a smile on my face. I don't know how you do it but every time you'd place your sweet, soft hands on my cheeks and when your mesmerizing eyes meet mine, all my troubles would simply dissolve. Whenever I am full of rage, times when my heart is overflowing with fury, just a simple "calm down, elijah" from you would suddenly extinguish the fire. All my anger would drift away yet still leave me wondering how it happened. No one in my entire life not even my parents has the ability to silence all the noise my head. Again, I am puzzled. How do you do it?
Sometimes I am stupid, I admit. I--I make you cry with my careless words. I know, trust me I do and I am sorry. If only the skies could paint the sadness I feel whenever you're hurt. If only the waters could reflect the hatred I have towards myself knowing that I am the one who caused you the pain. If only my arms could reach and wrap you... and tell you how deeply sorry I am. Then and there you would see how treasured you are in my life.
Your random acts of kindness. Your messages in my phone "have you eaten?", "go to bed early okay?", "I'll meet you in my prayers" so on and so forth would totally melt my heart away. I guess to you those were just plain and simple but to me... oh my you have no idea! :)
Thank you. Thank you for being a good friend, for being a special friend... an extra special friend. Thank you for caring, always having my welfare in mind. I don't know how to thank you enough... I'm speechless. Did you know that I juiced up my mind so I can find these words for you?? That's how special you are to me.
I remember telling you that only special people have a place on my blog.... guess this is your 3rd post haha. :) You...you are definitely... worth the wait.